Wee Box Review

About The Wee Box

The Wee Box is includes 5 items worth about 50 Euros exclusive to Scotland. Additionally, the Wee Box company gives back to charities and supports Scotland brands.

Each month, Wee Box subscribers receive a themed box full of Scotland goodies. This month’s theme was “Coorie In” or the idea of cuddling inside.

“Coorie,” according to Country Living means to snuggle or cuddle indoors after embracing the outdoors. It’s about balance and the cozy side of balancing. Listen. I have not been to Scotland yet but it is on my list and I cannot WAIT to go.

Anyone else an Outlander fan?

Related: If you’re looking for shows to inspire travel, click here. If you want a list of fun travel flicks, click here.

With the thought of the Wee Box bringing Scotland goods home, I thought sign. me. up.

As an everyday adventurer, doing new things is an adventure. Trying new things is an adventure. Even if you don’t decide to get the box, I hope you take the idea of trying new things to heart.

Related: More posts on having Everyday Adventures

Disclaimer: This is NOT a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I purchased the box myself. For more information, visit my legal pages.

Pricing and Shipping

The box is $56. I ordered it in August. The September box shipped on September 8 and arrived on September 18.


I unbox the video here!

Inside the Box

The box included:

  1. Playing cards
  2. A “Coorie In” poetry book
  3. A Tweed Pillowcase
  4. Hot chocolate from Scotland’s most-awarded master chocolatier
  5. A mini version of a candlelit bothy
Wee Box Review

Review of the Wee Box

I LOVE the concept of bringing Scotland to one’s home, but I think there could be some improvements. The idea of Scotland-made will widen the availability of products that could be included in the boxes. Thus, the Wee Box could provide quality and quantity. I mean a box of teas could include 15-30 tea bags, making it so worth purchasing.

Things that could’ve been included with “Coorie in” are:

  • Scotland-made socks
  • Local Scotland Teas
  • Handmade Mugs/Cups (equivalent of the bothy)
  • Handmade Candles
  • Scotland-made Candle holders

The company could absolutely improve the longevity of their subscriptions through the use of qualitative research. Focus groups and interviews would provide qualitative insights about their target audience.

There is absolutely a market for Scotland goods. The evidence is in the success now and the draw of us towards Scottish goods. I LOVE everything this company stands for.

But I would love it if they TRULY brought the essentials and the qualities of a Scotland home to our home. Rather than (perhaps) surface-level gifts one might purchase abroad, bring us the true essences of Scotland.

I believe that would absolutely keep me subscribing. How about you?

Any thoughts about my Wee Box review? Please share! I’d love to hear any thoughts if you agree or disagree with my takeaways!