No matter what season you’re in, remember there is a reason why you’re in it but sometimes it doesn’t always feel the best. If you’re looking for something to cheer you up, remember that despite any of the circumstances you may find yourself in, you’re in control of what you do. On the outside, there are things out of your control, but you can choose what you do now to feel better on the inside.

Everyday Travels

Things You Can Do to Instantly Feel Better:

1. Write down several things you’re grateful for.

A gratitude list is a mood changer because it causes you to shift your focus from the stuff going on around you to all the things that are good in your life. Sometimes it takes being intentional about the good in your everyday. For more on gratitude, check out my post on Gratitude.

2. Give 3 friends or someone you come into contact with a compliment.

Giving and taking your mind off of your troubles is one way to instantly feel better.

3. Get in a workout.

Adrenaline and endorphins do wonders for your soul.

4. Journal!

Write short stories about your travels or about what your dream day looks like. Try journal prompts for your travel journal if you get stuck. Looking back on good times is one feel-good trick.

You can also dream and meditate on something you are hoping for. My sister paints beautiful journals on Etsy! Check them out here.

5. Remember that seasons can be hard, but a season does not last forever.

Remember that “joy comes in the morning” (Psalm 30:1-5) and meditate on positive messages. I listen to Joyce Meyer most mornings to start my day.

6. Eat something nutritious and up-lifting.

Food is meant to be medicine for your body. Work on filling up with good fruits or just drink water with lemon inside. Vitamin C is wonderful.

Feel Better

7. Step into the sun.

Sunshine is therapeutic. There’s a reason why people feel the blues in the winter. Getting Vitamin D from the sun is a wonderful way to lift your spirits.

8. Practice self-care and self-love by doing ONE thing you love today.

9. Add a bit of adventure to your day by trying something new or doing something different.

If you need help, I have 16 Ways to Add Adventure to Your Everyday.

10. Do something sensory-stimulating.

Listen to a good song, a good podcast, or diffuse fun essential oils. My favorite oils are eucalyptus, spearmint, and the DoTerra Balance blend.

Taking your mind off from the macro side of things to focus on micro-details can help you zoom into your present. A warm cup of hot chocolate or tea usually does the trick.

For something to listen to, I love self-improvement or self-help podcasts for personal growth, here are my favorite podcasts:

After a year of unexpected events, it’s good to shift your focus on you rather than onto everything as a whole. Do you have any tips for ways to feel better? I’d love to hear it!

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